The Pagan Path

Those who wonder are not lost; they are trying to awaken! 'The Sleeper must awaken!'

Sunday, October 10, 2021

The Bridge; Revisited

Most anybody can tell you, though the overwhelming majority are silent witnesses, that balance is key. If one has too much of one thing, but not enough of another necessary ingredient, the finished product doesn't come out quite right. It could be argued that one CAN have too much of a good thing! Of course, as both good & bad are more or less relative, one might note that what is good for one, could be quite bad for the other & vice versa. As they say, 'one woman's trash is another woman's treasure'!

ALL the problems in the world today have one thing in common; 'balance', or rather, the lack thereof! We fight & quarrel among ourselves because we've forgotten who we are. Society is based on the notions that we are primarily a bunch of people trying to coexist. It has been ingrained in us that we are simply human beings with choices to make & things to do, rather than spiritual beings who simply ARE, Who have taken on biological bodies, with all that entails. Don't get me wrong; as human beings with individual souls, we DO have choices to make & things to do, for that is why we have incarnated in this existence, on this earthly plain, but this is not Who or What we ARE! We must remember Who & What we are, if we are to have ANY hope of making the right choices & doing the right things!

If you, dear reader, are aware, there are what are known as chakras ( from the Sanskrit for 'wheel' ), placed at certain important intervals at the center of our bodies, from the base of our spine to the top of our head. These are spiritual energy centers, responsible for the operation of said body. In order, they are, from bottom to top, the Root Chakra, which controls our foundation, or groundedness, the Sacral Chakra, which controls our sexual energy, the Solar Plexus Chakra, which is, in some sense, where your energy, or personal power comes from, the Heart Chakra, which we'll come back to later, the Throat Chakra, which enables our communicative ability, with all that entails, our Third Eye Chakra, which enables us to see what can only be observed by the Spirit & finally, the Crown Chakra, which is our link with the Divine. If any single one of these energy centers is blocked, for whatever reason, it affects the whole System, in effect creating an imbalance which then manifests itself in the physical realm, namely, in our bodies!

Now, in order to fully accept that we have these 'energy centers', much less to understand them, one must first understand & accept that we ARE Energy, not just physically, but spiritually speaking. It is almost common knowledge, that, biologically speaking, our make-up is simply a host of atoms moving at various vibrations. This is a very simplistic way of stating it, but that's what it comes down to. If our spiritual energy centers are out of alignment ( much like the spine ), this dis-ease manifests in our biological form. When they are in alignment, the energy flows freely, bringing health & well-being to our host, as the atoms then, are vibrating as they're supposed to. 

The Key, as we've noted, is Balance & thus we return to the Heart Chakra. The Heart Chakra, it should be noted, functions as a bridge of sorts, between the lower, or animal centers & the upper, or higher centers of that which manifests, if we so choose, our Divinity. Too often we use these instruments, in particular, our communicative abilities, improperly & thus fail to show our Divinity. This failing then most often comes from the failure to employ our Third Eye, which then means that we fail to recognize our own Divinity. 'Why', some might ask, 'besides the obvious, would you say that the Heart Chakra is the Bridge?' ( This might be called, 'The Bridge Between Heaven & Earth' ) I'm glad you asked; 'the Heart ( not the physical organ that pumps blood ) is significant of our Inmost Being, the 'Heart of the Matter', you might say. Just as the physical organ pumps blood to all parts of the body, so the Heart Chakra regulates the energies that flow through our chakras, thus enabling them to manifest in the physical realm.

The Heart Chakra, as 'The Bridge Between Heaven & Earth', enables us, in the way of remembrance, to realize Who & What we are. We are Love, Joy & Peace! When our Heart Chakra is out of alignment, not only do we forget Who & What we are, even the lower chakras, as well as their respective manifestations, are adversely affected. These adverse manifestations tend to lead to further ignorance of our Divine status. The importance of the Heart Chakra, in the Grand Scheme of things cannot be ignored; as the saying goes, 'if your heart ain't in it...........................'!

Just as when the heart ( the blood-pumping organ ) is working correctly, health & vitality flow freely to all parts of the body, so when the Heart Chakra is aligned, as it should be, with the rest, then the Energy not only flows freely throughout; it also works to bring Balance to the Universe of our ( individual ) Soul. What & Who we truly are manifests as our Divine Self, enabling us to transmute even our biological form into something that is More, More than simply a human being acting instinctively & animalistically; rather, we will show that we are truly a Divine Being in human form. The Key here, is that we are a Divine Being, IN human form; when we let our Ego take control, we tend to focus overmuch on our Divinity, while our humanity suffers. When this happens, of course, we might be tempted to question our own Divinity! What is needed is Balance.

One simply has to look at biology itself, also known as Nature, to understand that when one part of the equation is vibrating out of sync with the rest, the whole thing tends to crumble, or come crashing down. To one with Freidrich's Ataxia, really with any kind of similar dis-ease, this really hits home! For an example from the biological world, there are reports of realignments that have miraculously enabled people to stand on their own two feet again, even to walk! It takes a lot of Energy to believe stories like this & one can easily imagine, even moreso to actually go through such a Process of Healing. It's also easy to say, 'sure, it's possible', though not so easy to believe, much less, put into practice. Healing, however, is a necessary part of growing, of evolution, so with all the Energy we can muster, let the Healing commence! 'Which brings us back to 'chakras'................

I was brought up Christian, as most of my readers know, so it was probably not till my early twenties ( at the earliest ) that I even heard the term, much less, what it meant. I'm by no means saying that I was ignorant of their existence, just because I was brought up Christian; I'm sure there are many Christians out there that know about 'chakras'. Without further digression, though, the importance of aligning these spiritual energy centers, in whatever terminology one prefers it, cannot be denied! In all actuality, it is of utmost necessity to keep the correct balance in these matters, for the biological body is a manifestation of the spiritual. Again, this is easy to say, for it would seem the physical body CAN reach the point of no return, meaning that we often learn such lessons too late in this life: I guess it's a good thing we have more than one life to live!

Humanly speaking, it IS all about choice, the choices we make & the things we do based on those choices. If we are in alignment with our true Self, we will undoubtedly make good choices, choices which may not be everyone's cup of tea, but they will be good for us. If they are good for us, they will work through us for the good of others, though they may not always appreciate them. When we are in a higher vibration, we will manifest this Energy to others & while not all will follow this higher vibration, some will latch onto it & begin to vibrate themselves, at this higher frequency. Again, though, there MUST be Balance, for if one part vibrates at a higher frequency than the rest, there WILL be discord & dis-ease!

Namaste' & Blessed Be.

Sage Charles