As the Story goes, the discovery of Gravity happened by 'accident', as it were! John Newton was taking a leisurely nap one fine day, leaning against the solid trunk of an apple tree. ( 'Grounding' is VERY important to this Story! ) Anyway, ol' Johnny was reclining there, not even sawing logs yet & all of a sudden, something smote him on the top of the head! At first, Sir John looked around, bewildered; he'd thought himself alone, but someone had apparently been close enough to register him a pretty fair clout on his head, squarely on the crown, no less! Looking around with his somewhat bleary, still-sleepy eyes, he detected no human intruder on his privacy, but rather, further investigation revealed a rather large, juicy apple, laying on the ground several feet to the side from where he was reclining & he noticed that there was a slightly flattened area on the blossom-end, where some juice was starting to pool. At first, our unwitting Hero was perplexed, wondering how the fruit could have smacked him so resoundingly & with such precise aim. He had noted that no one else was around, not that he could sense, anyway, who could have delivered the fruit so precisely as to give him such a resounding whack on the head. "I mean, the sound of the apple as it struck him was almost a louder culprit for rousting him from his slumber than was the pain, though that itself was not insignificant!" Upon further inner discourse, John decided that, since no one was obviously in the vicinity who could have thrown the apple with such force & precision, he finally reached the unthinkable conclusion that it must have guided itself to that exact spot, now tender with a slight throbbing, on the precise crown of his head. "I mean, really; for the missive to strike him so soundly at that exact spot, the perpetrator would have had to either be in the tree above him, or a hell of a good pitcher!" Being the Scientist he was, Sir John finally concluded that the apple doesn't usually fall far from the tree because of an invisible Force of Nature that drew it naturally to the Ground. One might call it the original 'Law of Attraction'! Noting the natural gravity of the situation ( it nearly concussed poor Mr. Newton ), the name 'Gravity' was applied & has stuck ever since!
Okay, so that's not PRECISELY how it happened, but the point is that, even though it was 'Isaac', not 'John' who made the discovery, it WAS probably one of the most significant scientific discoveries EVER! Prior to this moment in time, wild conjectures were made as to how the Sun, Moon & Stars simply hung in the heavens. In fact, it wasn't even a consideration that the Earth Herself could have been anything but one big flat plate, supported on the backs of a number of huge elephants; either that, or a VERY large turtle/tortoise, strange as that might sound! Isaac, though surely previous scientists had ruminated on this mystery, had discovered, much like Ben Franklin much later with his discovery of Electricity ( another invisible force ), that the invisible force which had caused the apple directly above his head to fall straight down on his poor crown was no trick, or prank, but was instead one of the most important governing laws of the Universe!
The year was either 1665 or 1666, according to Google, when Isaac Newton made this astonishing discovery. Years after Copernicus & Galileo made their own astonishing discoveries, disclosing their then-heretical, to say nothing of 'blasphemous' theories, he unwittingly uncovered the truth as to the how of their startling discoveries. Our understanding & scope of the Universe has evolved astronomically since those early days, but when it all comes down to it, 'Gravity' is still the simplest answer for what holds it all together. We now know that the Earth is not a flat mass supported by ancient gargantuan animals & that it is actually spherical in nature, spinning like a top on a magnetic axis, with opposing poles at each end. The Stars, rather than being 'fixed', as Copernicus thought our Sun was, actually carry an orbit themselves ( look up 'Wheel of the Year' ). The Planets themselves rotate in a similar manner, in countless Galaxies, but that might better be another Story for another Day................
Gravity, like certain other Forces of Nature, is invisible, at least to the naked eye, though like these other Forces, it is manifestly apparent. For most of us, it is not even an afterthought that Gravity is what causes an object to fall crashing to the earth when we let loose our hold on it. The average Joe ( or Joelene ), if he or she even thinks about it, probably doesn't think, "well, the gravity here on Earth is much greater than on the Moon, so if I release my hold on this object, it will most likely fall to the ground & very likely break!". No, most people would probably be thinking something like this; "I MUST not drop this!"
Comparably, Love is the greatest such Force of Nature! You cannot see Love, for It, like Gravity, is an intangible. Like Gravity, though, it's easy to see its manifestation, although It too, is often overlooked. In this day & age, Love is often mistakenly called 'kindness', 'decency', or some such. Many people, myself included, are often afraid to manifest the Love that we naturally are, whether because of the fear that people will just take advantage of us ( sadly, this is a genuine concern ) or for fear that it will be mistaken for what is often called 'romantic love', which should more correctly be called 'lust'! Unfortunately, this is also a genuine concern, for in today's day & age as well, the 'lust of the flesh' is usually called 'love', when nothing could be further from the truth! Now, don't get me wrong; there is nothing wrong with sensuality! For that matter, sexual intercourse can be, not only one of the best forms of Communion, but a brush with Divinity. However, when sensuality becomes the goal & exploring one's sexual nature ( for we ARE, humanly speaking, sexual creatures ) becomes ones identity, then we have a problem!
Albert Einstein once said, in other words maybe, "Everything is Energy"! Energy, while it would not be quite correct to call It an intangible, is the basis of both Love & Gravity, which one could almost say are two sides of the same coin. Gravity is more of a physical property & Love might be seen as more on the spiritual side of the equation. Both have an obvious physical manifestation, as mentioned earlier, where Love manifests in acts of kindness & decency, whereas Gravity makes its presence known when things fall to the Earth, or depending on the situation, hover in the air. On a personal note, I remember from my childhood when I would swing a bucket that was half full of water in a circle without spilling a drop. My readers might recall such a scientific experiment themselves. In this case, one might note that we are 'creating' a sort of gravity, much as the influence the Moon exerts upon the tides of our oceans, even on our own bodies!
Energy is a strange thing! Before humanity, thanks to people like Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, etc, began to understand more of how the Laws of Nature work, one could easily imagine our Ancestors contriving fantastical stories about how, for example, that great big Light in the heavens moved from one horizon to the opposite, giving way to a somewhat lesser Light that would wax or wane during the cycle of seasons. Although there might be differing opinions/theories out there as to the "how?" & "why?", it should be clear that is due to some form of Energy, whether it's Gravity or just plain Magick! On a side note, it IS interesting that the Moon is a reflector, revealing indirectly that the Sun is still at work ( "no rest for the wicked ( good )!" ), so maybe the Gravity She creates by spinning on Her own axis is the simplest & best explanation for Her obvious influence on us & our planet. I'm sure there are other theories on this subject.
Though Energy, like I stated earlier, could not correctly be called an intangible, it IS an invisible Force! It can be measured & has been, though only or mostly because of its manifestation. Scientists have been able to differentiate between Gravity on the Moon & Gravity on the Earth. As I mentioned as well, in a personal example, we can create Gravity by, for instance, swinging an object in an orbit around an axis, namely us. Something that just occurred to me is that because of the orbit, or frequency of motion, of the atoms which make up, or constitute our biological bodies, we, in effect create our own Gravity, though obviously not nearly on the scale of say the Moon or the Earth, to say nothing of the Gravity of the Sun. Another name for this gravitational pull we generate is of course, 'Love'!
'The Law of Attraction' has been drawing quite a bit of attention lately, especially among the New Age crowd, because it is, well, 'attractive'! That was a bit of a try at humor, but seriously, this supposed 'Law' seems to say, in other words maybe, that what you focus on, you attract, so if you focus on money, health, etc, you will attract all these things to you. Reading Joe Dispenza & the like, it is easy to see how, in theory at least, this would work. "Can we, simply by changing our thought patterns, change our reality?" If our actions follow our thoughts, which they most often do, it is definitely possible to live a new life, on our own terms. Again, "Simple", but by no means "Easy"!
"As above, so below," then; attracting certain things to us sounds strangely like the magnetism of the heavenly bodies. In fact, well-used phrases like 'animal magnetism' have almost become cliche'! Call It 'Gravity", call It 'Love' or simply 'Energy'; it is a known & proven scientific fact that our bodies themselves do radiate a kind of field, to whatever extent. Whatever Energy then, that comes in contact with that invisible field is either repelled or attracted by It. This is where the poles come in; if the other person is radiating their Energy from the opposite pole from you, i.e., from their southern pole ( Lust ) while yours is emanating from your northern pole ( Love ): it is likely that they may feel strangely attracted to you & vice versa, though this is where the personality ( Ego ) rears its ugly head. Speaking of cliche's; it is often said that "opposites attract": this actually makes scientific sense because, when it comes to magnets, if I remember correctly from my schooling, it is the opposite poles which are attracted, whereas two northern poles will repel each other ( same with two southern poles ). The reason ( this is my theory ) that opposites often attract is that our Higher Selves know what we need, though our lower selves, our Ego, will likely ( eventually ) be repelled when our Energies do not match.
"For those, however, who grasp the 'gravity' of the situation", the magnetic pull overrules the Ego & even though the result is usually a reversal of polarities ( either that, or a total dismissal ), the Two become One, whether the relationship is a physical ( sexual ) or 'merely' spiritual one. This caveat must be made here though; such reversals don't always turn into intimate relationships: sometimes, for whatever reason, both parties go their separate ways, the purpose of their time together being fulfilled. As the case may be, the Higher ( Vibration ) Selves of the two Individuals in question will forever after be in Communion!
Again, call It 'Gravity', call It 'Love', or simply Energy, It is what holds Life together. Just as the water would fall out of the bucket if I didn't keep it swinging at a certain speed, so the Earth, if she stopped spinning on Her axis, would soon fall from Her place in the Universe. Maybe this is why Stars die; they run out of Energy & thus their Gravity fails, inducing their fall from glory! The human body too, when it begins to lose its Energy, starts to vibrate at a lower frequency & thus gravitates closer & closer to the Earth, till it again becomes one with the ground from which it came!
The Story related at the beginning of this post tells a similar tale. The apple, as we all should know, ripens to a certain point on the tree until it is ready to fall to the ground, thus continuing the Cycle, which occurs naturally to ALL forms of Life, of birth, death & resurrection. Sir Isaac Newton is probably most famous for the Story above ( although I must admit to a BIT of elaboration ), but he is known as well for uncovering many Universal Truths ( one only has to Google 'Issac Newton' to discover for oneself )!
In conclusion, though this undoubtedly is not the end of the matter; though It takes many forms & manifests in different ways, "EVERYTHING is Energy!" As autonomous ( free will ) human beings, of course, our individual personality ( Ego ) plays a big part in how that Energy manifests, but ultimately, whether we are aware of It or not, our Higher Self governs the course of our Life!
Namaste' & Blessed Be!
Sage Charles