The Pagan Path
Friday, January 12, 2024
How to be a Bear
Monday, January 01, 2024
The Eternal Self ( the Unconditioned 'Eye' )
For quite a few years now, I've been saying things like, "We see best in others what we despise in ourselves!" This of course, works obversely as well, in, "We see best in others what we love in ourselves." Now, with that said, it's not that everything, even the smallest little foible, that we take note of in other people is something that is existent within our own persona, but this is most often the case, sad to say. "Sad", yes; though nothing to be sad about: there is no shame here! It is simply a matter of fact: we are mirrors & when we see something in another person that we either love or hate; most often, sooner or later, we will be forced to take stock of our own Self & realize, "Oh, wait; that's ME!"
Whether they realize it or not, the overwhelming majority of people out there, that is, who identify with their persona, are on an eternal quest; the search for that most elusive of Gifts, 'Unconditional Love'! Again, "Overwhelmingly", if not totally, the 'love' that we bear witness to on this material plane is a conditional love. "If you do what I want/like, I'll love you", is one example. Another example, speaking of unconditional love, goes something like this, "the love of animals, dogs in particular, may be the clearest example of unconditional love that we, as human beings will experience in this lifetime, on this earthly plane of existence!" That's not quite true, however; the love that We have for Ourselves, in fact, the Love that we are ( for that IS our True, Divine Nature ) is unconditional!
Now, with that said, please realize that this a Spiritual Truth: it is only from a spiritual vantage point that one may realize, much less understand this! Speaking of dogs, for instance, we might find that, if we don't treat our animals with the respect they deserve, such as not feeding them with any regularity, leaving them outside on a chain, even when it's freezing, or even beating them when they don't act like we want, they will not give us the loyalty we wish to see. The same holds true of the human animal as well! 'Unconditional Love'? Hardly! Now, this, you understand, is not to say that any rational human being would act in this way toward ANY animal, human OR otherwise & not expect to get the same in return, though there DOES seem to be a shortage of sane, rational people in this day & age, especially! No, this is merely to say, echoing the Beatles, "the love you get is equal to the love you give"; in other words, "if you don't show it, you don't see it!", though this is not quite true either! For instance, ANY animal, human or otherwise, may choose to show the love in their hearts, even if you don't. On the other hand, showing/proving the love that is in YOUR heart may end up being the only love that you see!
Which brings me to my point: "If you wish to witness/experience Unconditional Love in this human existence, you must realize that Love in yourself!" To an extent, you may experience a form of Unconditional Love from another human, a baby, for instance, but as the child grows, the love he or she exhibits, or even feels, may wax or wane, depending of course, on the person. Much in the same sense, the Love you show yourself, Unconditional though it may be, may look different by the hour, or even the minute. The difference is, you will always be with yourself!
Most people spend their lives searching, in vain it would seem, for True Love, or in other words, that elusive Unconditional Love we hear so much about. Growing up Christian, as I and so many others have, 'Unconditional Love' is a very familiar phrase, in particular referring to the Unconditional Love of 'God'. This Love, as I understand it, means that 'God' loves ALL 'His children, even if they reject 'Him' & live a life that is not in accordance with 'His' dictates. Of course, this kind of belief flies in the face of everything that Christianity teaches! The brand of Christianity that, again, I & so many others were raised in, with all its dogma, was that the love of 'God', while unconditional, is only for 'His' children, and if you do not repent of your sins & live in accordance with 'His' laws, or rather, their interpretation of said laws ( dogma ), then you cannot be a 'child of God'!
The above statement, while maybe slightly differently worded than most such explanations, is blatantly nonsensical! Rather than being an unconditional love; 'as above, so below', it is conditional. It is clearly based on the fact that, as 'His' children, we receive all that we need from 'His' mighty Hand, if only we prayerfully ask. Okay, okay, 'He' understands our weaknesses; if we miss a prayer now & then, or our heart just ain't in it, we usually end up with what we need anyway; which brings me to my next point.........we are 'God'!
Now, before you hang me up by my toenails & light me on fire; hear me out! I say "we are God" kinda tongue in cheek. We are most definitely NOT the biblical god, though he DOES seem strangely human! No, I say "we are God", because for all material intents & purposes, we are! Now, when it comes to our True Nature, it can be rightly said that "we are God" as well because, though I will acknowledge that there is Something greater than us ( while at the same time there is Nothing greater than us ), we are part & parcel with that Greatness which is at the same time Something & Nothing!
Even in a purely human sense, then, it can be rightly said that "we are God" because we & we alone direct the courses of our lives! Quite a statement, many would say: "quite untrue", most would say as well, but check this out! It is our personal choices that determine how we live our lives. "But, bro; what about all the things that HAPPEN to us, things that others do to us, over which we have no control?!" To this I say, "We STILL have a choice as to how we respond to their actions!" Do we not, though? Sure, what they do to us may have a life-long effect on us, for example, they shot us in the back, severing our spinal cord, leaving us a paraplegic ( at best )! However, our response is OUR choice; we could give up on life, becoming bitter & disillusioned ( "people DO suck" ), or we could choose, like some, to employ our brilliant mind & light out on a different path than we had thought we were destined for! Now, if that ain't God, I don't know what is!
"Unconditional Love", it would seem by its very terminology ( etymologically speaking ) means 'love without condition', correct?! Well, for the most part, the Love we bear witness to on this earthly pane is sadly conditional! Again, 'as above, so below'; if we do not offer the required care ( whatever that looks like ), there is a good chance we will not see that love/care in return. However, this is not to say that even if we don't show love to any given individual, be it animal or human, that the individual will not show love to us, for we must remember that they too are God; they may choose to show Love, even though we do not! "Why?" you may be wondering; "Why would ANYONE choose to love you when you clearly don't love them?" That, my friend, is where we brush up against the Truth!
Anybody that has read my blog for the last several years is probably familiar with my claim ( "I know I'm not the only one, either" ), that "We ARE Love!" Yes, not only are we God, but just like the biblical 'God', we are Love! "How is that?" you may ask. Well, to tell you the Truth, I might hafta get back to you on that, but for now, suffice it to say that Love really IS what makes the World go 'round! Call it Gravity, call it simply Energy, it is at the very root of everything that exists! It is what keeps the stars & planets in the heavens; it is what keeps us firmly rooted to the earth!
Of course,"as above, so below" is to be understood in the physical, or material sense here, since, for one thing, "stardust runs in our veins"; in essence, we are made of the same 'stuff' as the stars ( in a very technical sense; "Energy" ). Energy/Gravity/Love is the invisible Force that keeps the stars & planets spinning in their orbits: this is also what anchors these material bodies to our Mother, the Earth. ( "Speaking of Unconditional Love........" ). However, this is not to say that this blessed phrase may ONLY be understood in the material sense, for in the sense of the individual spirit ( 'Self' ), it should be understood that, as goes our 'Self', so goes our biological body. The 'Self" is where the Power of Choice lies!
So we come, finally, full circle, as it were, to 'The Mirror'! We see our 'Self' in the Other. Perhaps this is what the Guru means when She or He says "there IS no Other", for we ARE, when it comes down to it, all One; we are Energy, we are Love! Much as we try to vaunt ( vindicate? ) our own individuality, we truly are no different from the next person. Well, except maybe, for Forrest Gump; he was, well..."different!"
Namaste & Blessed Be
Sage Charles