I have often said, "We see best in others what we despise ( or love ) in ourselves!" These words may be my own, though one might note that the idea behind the word did not originate with me. The idea is that we are all mirrors. While others see themselves, for good or ill, in us, we in turn see ourselves in them. This is but one aspect, maybe, of the phrase, "We are all One"!
While some might appreciate Michael Jackson's words in 'Man in the Mirror' more than others, the notion behind his words cannot fail but ring true, but for the most hardened individuals. It is tempting to look at the world around us & fall into despair, with thoughts like, "How can I ever hope to bring change to this world simply by changing myself?" To questions like this, I would answer; "We can bring change to the world around us by first changing our own reflection, or rather, allowing our true nature to shine through, so that those around us may see themselves, or recognize their true nature in us." I fully understand that the overwhelming majority, maybe, of those who share this world with us do not look at things this way, so again, "It is tempting to despair"! We might well ask ourselves questions like, "Why even try?!" Herein though, lies the problem. "Well, if others aren't will to make the Change; why should I?!" The Point here is not whether you SHOULD make the Change or not; the Point is, "Are you willing to live with the consequences of NOT making the Change: in essence, "Are you willing & ready to continue living with the 'status quo'?!" On the other hand, if you do what is necessary to effect the Change within yourself, then should the world choose to see themselves in your eyes, they cannot help but see their OWN Divinity!
"Wait a fucking minute; "Divinity?!" Yes, "as above, so below", that may seem to be a bit of a stretch with the overwhelming majority of individuals in this seemingly 'fucked up' world, but you read that correctly. Anyone who has followed my blog, to whatever extent, in the past several years, knows that, in my purview, there dwells within each one of us that 'Spark of Divinity' ( as some have styled it ). I have said before that, in other words, "We are are all part of the ( Divine ) Source!" These again, are my own words, though the notion does not originate with me. One might ask what it means, that we are all part of "the ( Divine ) Source". Einstein said, in other words maybe, that "Everything is Energy". "If everything is Energy, does that include the Creator?" This might engender a discussion for another post, but Who IS this "Creator"? As a former Christian, I am more than familiar with this term, though I must say that in my study of Scripture, even the Bible states that "the earth brought forth". So I ask, "Who is the "creator" here?" According to Jeremiah 1:5, Jehovah ( yᵊhōvâ ) 'formed' the Prophet "in the womb", but science has shown us that it is the fertilization of the Egg that produces the fetus, which then 'forms' the human body that emerges from the Womb. Now, certain of my readers may take issue with with what I seem to be saying here & I have no problem with that; if it helps you to sleep better at night believing that there is a creator god that does all these things, more power to you, but as for me; "we are the creators of our own destinies!" Therefore, just as Mother Earth brought forth from Her Womb both flora & fauna, so the human species, both female & male, creates after its own kind. Long answer short then; "Yes, that includes the Creator!" That said, there is, in the view of this blogger, more than one 'Creator'. "Wait a fucking minute, are you now saying there is more than One God?" Why, "yes", "Yes, I AM!"
After dropping THAT bomb, let's get back to the subject at hand! It is painful to think that all the 'bad', as well as the 'good', that we see in the world is simply a reflection of us. In fact, to the majority of my readers, to say nothing of the world at large, it's downright PREPOSTEROUS! "How DARE he say such a thing; I'm a better person than that!" Okay, so maybe right now, living where you live, that's relatively true, but for example's sake, can anyone reading this truthfully tell me they wouldn't defend those they love with their very life's breath?! How would YOU react if some foreigners invaded YOUR country & tried to foist THEIR way of life on you? How about if these foreigners stayed in their safe little bunkers & sent bombs, smart or not, to kill, almost indiscriminately, your friends & neighbors? Hell, China hasn't even done that ( yet ), but ask almost any true-blooded, patriotic American & you'll most likely hear how much they HATE China! Can you really blame the East for hating the West?! I'm not even going there with 'evil' North Korea..............
"So, you're saying that if the U.S.A. Inc. withdrew from the Middle East entirely, stopped sending bombs over there ( not to mention supplying BOTH sides with munitions ) & started acting like the Christian nation we pride ourselves on being, that the world in turn would quickly offer terms of peace, with the White Dove overcoming the Mighty Eagle, all while carrying that significant olive branch in his beak?!" Sadly, "No"; that's not how it would most likely play out, though it would indeed be a good start! No, unfortunately, with the long history of violence that we here in the West have suffered at the hands of our 'rulers' ( all, or mostly in the name of 'God' ), it will not be so easy to extricate ourselves from the mess we've created. In the greatest sense, it would be akin to closing the gate after the horses got out! Speaking of closing gates, the situation we currently face down South, with illegal immigrants flooding our country, seeking asylum from persecution & poverty in their own country; "Yes, many of these illegals are causing us all sorts of problems, but much of that, I daresay, is our own damn fault!" "Our fault?" you might say. "How the hell is it OUR fault?! So, we must now return to the Mirror; for that is where it all begins.
I will leave the rest up to you, my dear readers, to figure out, for everyone is going to have a different experience when they look in the Mirror. Everyone has their demons, their shadow said that they must confront, even embrace with forgiveness & not till this is accomplished in our own lives, within our own hearts, will we experience any sort of lasting Peace in the World at large. To this End, I wish all my readers the Best as you dare to go where Angels fear to tread!
Namaste' & Blessed Be
Sage Charles