The Pagan Path

Those who wonder are not lost; they are trying to awaken! 'The Sleeper must awaken!'

Sunday, November 09, 2008

from Luther's comments on Romans 2:16

'But from whom then, do we obtain the thoughts that ( truly ) excuse us? Only from Christ and in Christ: for if the conscience of a believer in Christ reproves, accuses, and condemns him as an evil-doer, he quickly turns from himself to Christ and says: 'He has atoned for my sins. He is just, and my Justifier who died for me. He has made His righteousness my own and my sins His own. But if He has made my sins His own, then I no longer have them, but am free from them.And if He made His righteousness my own, then I am righteous because of His righteousness, for He is God, blessed forever." 'Commentary on Romans' -Martin Luther

Quite a statement, I just wanted to share it.


Daniel Stoddart said...

Timely post...I think yesterday was Brother Martin's birthday or something.

Charles Shank said...

Happy birthday to him then!