The Pagan Path

Those who wonder are not lost; they are trying to awaken! 'The Sleeper must awaken!'

Thursday, April 16, 2009

'Just' Words, or Just Words' by Shelley Hall

I have been consciously trying to stay away from politics, especially as of late, but I fear that the time has come when we can no longer ignore the political 'mess' that we now face in this country, in this 'world': God help us all!

Just Words?

That rumbling sound you hear is America convulsing in the iron jaws of behemoth government, unleashed by this nation’s tyrants in the imperial ruling class. The beast is no respecter of persons - the working man, the elderly, the unborn - it roars about seeking whom it may devour, filling our waking hours with the terrors of the night and establishing itself in the congregations of the wicked and the foolish. Assisted by its venal keepers in congress, it stalks the outspoken and the strong. The sinister friend of the cowardly and the corrupt, it lays a snare for hard working men and women and their families, offering fabulous promises it will never keep, subverting and demoralizing young and old alike, and ripping away the legitimate fruit of honest work. This government makes no distinction between the left or the right, the free market entrepreneur or the civil servant. It is a destroyer of dreams and initiative. Commerce flees before it. Individual liberties are crushed by it. The common wealth is its meat and our children are left to its sadistic pleasure. It guzzles the life blood of patriots and is always among us, a sometimes repository of the public trust gone suddenly chimpanzee mad, ripping the face off a terrified electorate. The nation reels and who will answer?

Will you imagine your deepest fears are just words? Will you cover your eyes and refuse to read the signs of our times? Cover your ears and pray to grow deaf to the sounds in the streets? Stifle your misgivings and join the jackals who prey on the carcasses of the mighty? You will not starve.

Or will you make your stand? The words I write are plucked out of the very air we breathe. It is the same air of the patriots, of our founders, of our fathers. It is the air of bravery and not of cowardice. It is the air of integrity and promise. It is not the suffocating stench of repression. You and I carry the vocabulary of freedom with us wherever we go and we have generously offered the lexicon of liberty to people everywhere who recognize its possibilities and power. Will we demonstrate anew that we are the righteous heirs of the spirit of freedom, and that we understand the distinction between “just words” meaning “mere words” and “just” words meaning “right and fair?”

Make no mistake about it. There is no one coming to help us. There is no battalion of Constitutional attorneys, no national organization of citizens’ rights, no military power, no external entity to save us. There is only you and me and the person standing next to you and the one next to him and her. What will you do? How shall we then live?

I say nurture the flame of defiance in your breast and refuse to be cowed by those who claim title to you and your children, to your labor and your opinions. We are all free men and women here. We are equal before the law. We do not sort ourselves out as more or less equal or more or less precious in the sight of God. We have not voted to place ourselves and our children in obscene economic bondage under staggering debt. We will not accept the chains of economic slavery forged by the ubermensch who have turned the sacred chambers of our Republic into a den of thieves.

It has not escaped us that there are some who would rob us of our life and liberty, who would hobble our labor with their obstructions, abridge our freedoms and oppress us. For years, we have asked only to be left alone to live and work in peace. We have been polite and respectful and we have received the back of the hand from our arrogant ruling class. They tax and legislate us into paralysis, smirk at our injury, continue to do exactly as they please at our collective expense, and endlessly transfer or ignore our calls, lose our petitions, and puke doubletalk in our general direction as a substitute for respect. We must get up off our knees and remember that it is they who have unleashed the beast and that all their promises are just words. But what I say is truth, just and fair, words of encouragement and persuasion offered openly to you, plucked out of the air around you for your strengthening and deliverance.

We wait for no one to grant us permission to be who we already are by birthright. We are the free men and women of America and we will make our decisions as such. Let the freedom which rests in your hearts proceed from your mouths in tongues of fire that all might be infected with this passion for liberty, self determination and equality before the rule of law. God bless America and restore the blessings of liberty to her just people.

Shelley Hall

April 4th, 2009

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