The Pagan Path

Those who wonder are not lost; they are trying to awaken! 'The Sleeper must awaken!'

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Kingdom, the Power & the Glory

We have noted throughout this study that the historical and covenantal context of our Lord's Model Prayer demands a first-century fulfillment to and for Jesus' contemporary audience. His audience, being Jews, for the most part, if they knew their History, would have recognized the references that He made. Because of this, this prayer was fulfilled through His Ministry, as it was fulfilled in His People!

We saw as well, how this prayer is still valid today, as we strive for our daily sustenance, forgive as we have been forgiven, and strive to keep each other from straying into temptation. Though His Kingdom has come and His will is done on Earth as it is in Heaven, there is yet work for us to do to see His Kingdom evident in His Natural Creation ( unbelieving humans ), and His Revealed Will being done throughout!

In many texts, the words 'For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen' can be read at the end of The Lord's Prayer! These texts, or manuscripts, are later ones, and earlier texts do not contain these words. Though they may be just a later addition, these words ring true, and confirm, or reaffirm the line near the beginning, 'Your kingdom come'! It IS His Kingdom, His Power and His Glory!

No more should we pray for His Kingdom to come, or His will to be done 'On earth as [ it is ] in heaven', especially as we understand that He was speaking covenantally, of His People Israel, those who were involved in the Marriage of Heaven & Earth! As the Offspring of that Marriage though, we should work toward the end, as Israel of old was called to do, of being the 'leaves of the tree' that were for 'the healing of the nations'. His Will is done in His Kingdom, which has come in the form of His New Creation!

We are His New Creation & His New Temple, and therefore His Kingdom on Earth, which has been Married to Heaven! As we seek & do His Will, let us remember that it is in us, and through our actions that His Will is done, for in Him & through Him, we are the Kingdom, the Power & the Glory!

Charles Haddon Shank

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