The Pagan Path

Those who wonder are not lost; they are trying to awaken! 'The Sleeper must awaken!'

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

The Focus on the Physical, Reversed

As human beings, it's hard to hear about all the wars & rumors of wars going on around us, to face the trials & tribulations that we all must overcome on a daily basis, and to see the almost rampant & seemingly unchecked spread of evil that seems to engulf the world, and not despair, at least, for a time! Sometimes it seems that the only real answer to the world's problems IS to 'kill'em all and let God sort'em out'! War almost becomes a valid equation when it comes to solving the problem of the evil that men do!

As Christians, though. and especially as believers in a Fulfilled ( Realized ) Eschatology, we understand that our Heavenly Father has solved our problem! The evil that men do must be countered by us, His people, not through force of arms ( though sometimes, that seems to be the only real answer ), but by spreading the Good News of His justice, mercy & forgiveness! When they hate & harm, we must love & heal, when they do unjustly, we must continue to do justly, even if it means losing our biological life! The justice of God & man often requires that a man die for his particular sin, so sometimes we must be bringers of death, especially when it comes to defending what our Heavenly Father has blessed us personally with!

In this life, with all of its ups & downs, and the hardships that we face every second, every minute, every hour of a seemingly endless day, week, month & year, we tend to focus on those physical ( biological ) aspects of the Life we have been given, and to forget, even to neglect the blessedness of our spiritual Life! We are not gnostically saying that this biological husk is something to be abhorred, nor are we saying that it is something to seek escape from; we are spirits having a biological experience ( you may have heard the saying before ), but it is with those biological bodies that we are enabled to taste, touch & feel, to live out, in this biological plane of existence, the Love of God Outpoured, to be the ( biological ) Leaves of the Tree of Life, which ARE for the healing of the nations!

The Curse HAS been reversed, the Sin & the Death of Adam WERE defeated, our Heavenly Father IS ruling over all ( though us, His Congregation ), and we have been invested with this biology in order that we might be His Hands & Feet! When we fail to act, as we often do, according to His Word, it is not because we do not belong to Him! We fail to act according to His Word ( Jesus ) when we take our eyes off of Him ( remember Peter? - Matthew 14:29 ) and focus overmuch on our own physical ailments, on the evil that men do, and on the wars & rumors of wars that we hear of on a daily basis!

Are we to ignore ( not that we could even if we tried ) all that goes on around us, even our own biological hurdles? That's not it at all! More often than not, we must ensure that our biological needs are met so that we are able to do what must be done! Another way of saying this is, 'if we don't take care of ourselves, how will we take care of others?' We must have a care for our biological needs so that we may meet the needs of others, but if we focus overmuch on our own physical ailments, we tend to lose our focus on the outside world, that which truly needs our healing touch!

Because, through our Heavenly investing Himself through the Person of Jesus the Messiah, into this world, the Curse has been reversed, we must fulfill ( fill up ) this reversal! We must show those around us, in Love, how to live on the other side of the Curse, how to Heal & not Harm, how to Love & not Hate, how to truly Live & not Die! We exist, in this Blessed Biology ( though sometimes it seems cursed ) to serve others, not to the ignorance of our own needs, but to the Advancement & Growth of the Kingdom of our Heavenly Father!

Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. 
Philippians 2:5-7

Let us, as we have been made in the Image of our Heavenly Father, and invested with His Spirit, determine to bear the Mind of Christ & in this biology, to serve Him & His Kingdom to the best of the ability which He has bequeathed to us! As we serve others, let us also remember that we cannot share our Blessed Biology if we do not not have it, so lets take care of each other so that we may take care of the world that our Heavenly Father has bequeathed to us ( Psalm 2 )!

Charles Haddon Shank

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