The Pagan Path

Those who wonder are not lost; they are trying to awaken! 'The Sleeper must awaken!'

Monday, June 08, 2020

Lost in Metaphor; The X Factor

You may have heard it said that, from conception, all fetuses are female, at least, until the 'Y' chromosome is introduced. Assumably, according to this scientific 'fact', it is at this moment in Time that the male characteristics begin to form, most notably maybe, the penis. Don't get me wrong, I'm not ( necessarily ) disputing this 'fact', just reminding my readers that, unless we have studied or otherwise 'discovered' it for ourselves, we are consigned to taking 'their' word for it!

Personally speaking, that is, humanly speaking, even in the larger context, biologically speaking, there are two different sexes, male & female. As it was put several years ago in a previous post, these two sexes fit together 'like hand in glove'. One might even note that their sexual organs were perfectly mastered for procreation. Of course, for most humans, it is also very pleasurable, in the 'right' context, anyway! With the introduction of contraceptives, of varying sorts & effectiveness, the act of sexual intercourse has almost been rendered irresponsibly 'worry-free'. This is not to say, of course, that sexual intercourse should only be enjoyed for the purposes of procreation, as some have taught in the past, nor is it to say that anyone who engages in this practice, purely for the sake of enjoyment, is therefore acting irresponsibly. I'm merely pointing out that the primary, natural purpose ( for lack of a better word ) for these two organs, the penis & the vagina, along with the usual delivery system ( direct injection?) of the male's sperm to the female's egg, is the creation of a biological host body, which then begins the cycle all over again, in the great Circle of Life!

'Metaphor' can be loosely defined as 'truth told in a way that is not meant to be understood, or taken literally'. It can also be used as a form of symbolism, as in say, certain comic strips or cartoons. Speaking of 'a greater spiritual truth', metaphor can also be used to indicate a deeper meaning, as in statements like 'as above, so below' This statement does not literally mean that what transpires on earth mirrors or represents what is in the 'heavens' or the Universe, although it can most surely carry that intimation; rather, it refers more to the human condition & the undeniable fact that it all begins with the intentions, or thoughts. These intentions may even be unconscious, but as we awaken more & more to our true nature, as spiritual beings, they will manifest more & more in our conscious thoughts & actions.

Our actions betray our thoughts & our true intentions! Whether unconscious or not, whether we are willing to admit or not, our desires most often rule us, at least, humanly speaking. 'As above, so below'; it is in our DNA, so to speak, to use the tools that we have been equipped with naturally, for the purposes ( among others ) of procreation. So not only are we battling the Ego when we endeavor to abstain from sexual intercourse, we are also acting in a way that is contrary to our human nature! Certain religions have instilled in many of us from a fairly early age that it is wrong, or wicked to act on these natural desires prior to marriage ( ? ) & while there seems to be a certain wisdom here, such controlled behavior tends to lead to either sexual frustration or to a marriage based on sex. This is not to say that one cannot or should not exercise self-control in such a situation, just that when one is controlled by outside influences, it rarely, if ever, ends well!

To take literally what was given metaphorically is a big mistake & can lead to a 'world' of trouble! When we misunderstand, for instance, the saying 'as above, so below', we may end up believing that what goes on in this earthly realm perfectly, or literally mirrors what is in the 'heavenly' realm. Or, to bring it even closer, that our actions 'in the flesh', so to speak, mirror our spiritual condition ( ? ). This itself can lead to, as it is also a result of religious conditioning ( some may call it 'brainwashing' ).

The biological 'fact' that we were born into this biology with either a penis or a vagina does not, in itself, determine whether we are male or female! As 'spirit-beings having a physical experience', we are only sojourners in these host-bodies. When this life is over, we continue on for a time as pure spirit ( energy? ), then, when the time is right, we return to this realm to inhabit a different body ( sometimes, a TOTALLY different one! ). In certain circles, in fact largely, the notion of reincarnation has been 'poo-pooed', but when one wakes to the fact of our true nature, it makes all the sense in the 'world'!

In conclusion, then & 'the heart of the matter', so to speak; when we realize that while we may manifest a certain sex, or even gender in this life, that does not mean that we ARE ( defined by ) those characteristics ( penis or vagina - I've heard of people with both ). It simply means that this is the way we have chosen to manifest in this life. Now, before I get myself into too much 'hot water'; some of my readers may be thinking, 'he's opening the door for transgenderism & the like'! Well, maybe I am, maybe I'm not; YOU must judge for yourself, but you must also ask yourself this question; 'if we are More than JUST human beings, if we really ARE spirit-beings having a spiritual experience, as long as we aren't hurting anyone, does it really what gender ( if any ) we choose to manifest?'

Namaste' & Blessed Be!
Charles Haddon Shank

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