The Pagan Path

Those who wonder are not lost; they are trying to awaken! 'The Sleeper must awaken!'

Saturday, January 30, 2021

May The Circle Unbroken Be

As we meet this sacred night, may all worries take their flight.

Heavy heart & tired hand, Lady, lift on high both heart & hand.

We meet this night with our Mother Earth, lending aid to lift this dearth.

To meet the darkness with our light, to make Her dwellings O, so bright.

May the Goddess & the God now with us meet, elemental powers to defeat.

In our hearts we long to fight, with our hands to bring the light.

Now we draw the Circle Three, now all troubles quickly flee.

Maiden, Mother, Aged Crone, join us here, evermore dispel the Fear .

Perfect Love & Perfect Trust, in this Unbroken Circle, we ever must.

O Great Goddess of the Gnome, let us know we're not alone.

Powers of the Earth be at our feet, ever ready to be fleet.

On this long & wintry night, let us vow to be Her Light, let us burn e'er so bright.

O Mother, may we see, 'tis only Light that shines in Thee.

Sacred Mother, praise to Thee, forevermore, So Mote It Be.

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