The Pagan Path

Those who wonder are not lost; they are trying to awaken! 'The Sleeper must awaken!'

Thursday, August 05, 2021

The Source of Magick; A Contemplation

First of all, 'What IS magick?' The Urban Dictionary contains this definition, which seems to say it best; 'Not to be confused with stage "magic." Magick is the art of utilizing natural forces around us to bring about change. Magick is neutral, neither good, nor evil. The practitioner decides how they would like to focus this natural energy.' defines it simplistically ( ignorantly ) as 'archaic. magic' & 'a power or effort associated with Wicca.' Wordnik comes closer to the former, more accurate definition, with, ' In Wicca and certain other belief systems, action or effort undertaken to effect personal transformation or external change.' When we look into the more popular 'magic', we begin to see where Hollywood gets their false notion of what magick really is. Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary defines it as 'the use of means (such as charms or spells) believed to have supernatural power over natural forces'. It goes even further, saying things like, 'an extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source'. The list goes on, with ( again ) defining 'magic' as 'the art of producing a desired effect or result through the use of incantation or various other techniques that presumably assure human control of supernatural agencies or the forces of nature.' This source also lumps it in with stage-magic, which likely has Aleister Crowley 'rolling over in his grave'!

Gandalf may have said it best ( in the movie, NOT the book ) when he admonished a cowering Bilbo, 'Do not take me for some conjuror of cheap tricks.' Magick, 'as above, so below', is not so much about bending things ( even Nature ) to your Will, in some Egoic show of strength, or power. It most definitely is NOT to be defined, as in much of today's parlance, as mere illusory, parlor, or 'cheap tricks'. It IS a simple, beautiful Truth! Magick is about intention! It is about learning to commune with Nature, to the extent that She aids us in accomplishing our intent. Now, before we get ridiculous; one might intend to sprout wings & fly, but unless he or she builds some contraption, they'll most likely fall on their face ( or worse ). No human being I have ever seen has wings: birds fly, humans do not. With that behind us, we DO have an innate Strength, or Power, that the majority of human beings have not explored. It is this Power that, with the help of Mother Nature, can be stirred in us. This Power can be used for 'evil', though definitely not to the extent that Hollywood would have us believe. This, however, is the case with anything that human beings do, some 'good', some 'bad'. Is this to say that anyone can do magick? Yes, indeed; though many are not aware of what they're really doing, magick happens every day!

Getting to the 'heart' of the matter, so to speak, the reason that anyone can do magick is because it comes from the 'heart' ( not the physical organ, but our Inmost Being )! Sadly, not all realize, or even acknowledge this glorious fact, but despite this fact, magick happens every day. For the most part, people do not term it 'magick', although, interestingly enough, the lesser term 'magic' is often employed, as in the name 'Magic Johnson', speaking of a certain dancer ( skater ) or some other sports figure as 'pure magic'. It also comes up in a negative context, as, 'their marriage has lost its magic'.

As stated earlier, 'Magick is about intention!' When we focus our attention ( with intention ) on the job at hand, magick happens. This is not to downplay the Power of Magick, or the act itself - maybe that's much of the problem with the 'world'; people are simply existing, going about their day, not realizing that magick is swirling all around them! In fact, magick surges through their veins, keeping them alive, making sure that Life continues. Again, not to downplay the Power or Act of Magick - it IS quite amazing when you experience it - the birth of a child, for instance - although it usually DOES take some blood, sweat & tears, it IS an everyday occurrence! Good thing too, because, if it were not for Magick, the world would not be far advanced beyond what we call 'The Stone Age'!

'So, what is the Power of Magick?' Egoically then, 'if everybody has this Power, then why make such a big deal of it?' 'If we can't move objects with a command, or make someone drop dead with a motion of our hand, or Wand; why call it 'Magick'?'  Well, for one thing, that's not what Magick is all about. For another, there IS some pretty crazy shit that 'happens' out there, that's seemingly inexplicable by Nature! But anyway, that's not what Magick is about; It's about tapping into the Power & Strength that lies dormant in all of us!

'It is what it is!' This magickal phrase might seem to be a bit overused, especially in this day & age, but in context, it simply says that, though Magick is not recognized as such, for the most part & in fact, is seen in an 'evil' light by most religious types, 'Magick is as Magick does'! The majority of practitioners of this innate Power have been wrongly persecuted for ages & it continues to this day, unfortunately! 'As above, so below'; 'Magick is as Magick does'. Unfortunately as well, there are & have been, those who use this Power for their own selfish purposes, not for the betterment of humanity. When I say 'selfish purposes', I simply mean, of course that, while the practitioner may not perceive their deeds as 'evil', others likely would. Sometimes, to be quite honest, the practitioner is simply intent on being an asshole...........

Again & finally, 'Magick is neutral, neither good, nor evil'. 'As above, so below'; it depends on the practitioner! Are their intentions 'good'? Are they 'evil'? Like the Ego, like so many other aspects of what makes us human beings, what we practice is simply a manifestation of our Will, of our Power, our Magick. What we do with that Will, that Power, that Magick determines whether It is 'good' or 'evil'. In the opinion of this blogger, the manifestation of 'evil' cannot rightly be called 'magick'; It might rather be called 'sorcery''. We live by this rule; 'An ye harm none, do what ye will'! 

Namaste; & Blessed Be, 

Sage Charles

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