The Pagan Path

Those who wonder are not lost; they are trying to awaken! 'The Sleeper must awaken!'

Friday, May 06, 2022

A Dark Reality, or The Reality of Shadows

Each & every one of us has skeletons in our closet! There is something about us that we want to keep hidden from those in our little world, even from the world at large. From our friends & loved ones to business associates & those we'd really rather not associate with at all, most people, except those we feel we can be vulnerable ( intimate? ) with never see that side of us. Most of us hide it - some better than others - but at the height of our emotions, it usually, somehow leaks out. When it does, it usually ain't very pretty either!

What IS Reality?! The easy answer, especially coming, as I do, from a Christian background, is that Reality is what we see all around us. "Yes", you might hear, "there is such a thing as a Spiritual Reality, but in the greatest sense, that is neither here nor there, for it only manifests - comes to light - when we die, or in essence, when this physical existence is over." On the other hand, some may acknowledge that this Spiritual Reality often ventures into our own, both beneficially & adversely, but again, it is not till we pass from this existence that it becomes what we call Reality. In fact of the matter, when we pass from this existence, how are we to say anymore what is Real or not?

Simply stated, the principle of Yin & Yang is that Dark & Light are two sides of the same coin. In other words even, aside from our dual natures ( human & Divine ), there are two aspects to every one of us. 'As above, so below'; there is usually a part of us that rarely comes out from under its rock. This is often called our Shadow Self. It is usually a part of our personality, neither good nor bad -' it is what it is' - that Society & our Culture has conditioned us to think is somehow 'bad' or 'evil'. Our Dark side - everyone has one - is not 'evil', per se, though it certainly can be. Often, our Dark Side proves to be that part of us that is most truthful, painfully & brutally honest, even. It is usually the first to smell bullshit & call it for what it is. Speaking of the Dark Side being 'evil' - thanks 'Star Wars' - it is often those who most fear the Truth that call it 'evil'!

In the greatest sense then, Reality 'is what it is', though it DOES involve our individual perceptions. In a way, this concept is not too far removed from the Four Gospels, or more particularly the Three Synoptic Gospels of the Greek Scriptures. Though the Story remains the same, the several different perspectives made it sound somewhat differently, even a bit dissonant. So with Reality; same Story, different perspectives. Yet, on the other hand, there are different realities for each individual. Take one who is colorblind: the grass may indeed be green to one who can see the colors, but to the one who cannot distinguish colors, it may as well be pink, or even black. The sky may be blue to the one that can see it, though in reality, it is not too different from the air that we breathe. Then, there are blind people; what is THEIR Reality? Is it any different than ours? Why or why not?

Does Reality depend on our individual perception? Some might immediately perceive that to be a ridiculously ignorant question, while others might perceive the Truth in it! Can we change Reality simply by thinking/perceiving differently?  If by thinking/perceiving differently, we begin to manifest differently; yes, in that sense, if that sense alone, we DO change Reality. Further, as more & more people begin to think/perceive differently, the Collective Reality will Change!

Simple Change is not necessarily a good thing, though usually it is for the better! For the purposes of this line of reasoning, we may assume that Change IS for the better, as much of Reality has been defined in a way that is lugubrious, at best. In order to bring that lasting, Collective Change, we must, as a wise man once said, start with 'the man in the mirror' ( or 'woman', as the case may be ). We must rediscover our Shadow Selves. More importantly, we must embrace our Dark Side. It is not 'evil', as Society & Culture has hammered into our skulls. It is simply a necessary part of us that we need to bring out of the Shadows. Too many, in the not too distant past, have been relegated to the loony bin ( or worse ), simply because they saw Reality in a different Light. Others have been burned at the stake because they dared to challenge what their Society & Culture deemed acceptable. ( In most cases, 'Society & Culture' could as well read 'Religion' )

The Reality that surrounds us on a daily basis - for example, 2 + 2 ALWAYS equals 4 ( there ARE those who would challenge even THAT ), the concept of solid matter remaining solid, so on & so forth - is fluid. I'm not into the Common Core math or any kind of mathematics for that matter, but speaking of solid matter, such as a tree: a tree may be fashioned into a chair, a table. It is Real, it is solid; we may depend upon it to hold us up when we rest upon it, right?! The Reality, however, is that if a fire breaks out, that table or chair will no longer hold us up. The same thing goes if someone is too heavy, or if a sledge hammer is applied to it legs. Reality, as so many concepts, is subject to change! 'As above, so below'; to borrow a phrase that is growing in popularity, "change your thinking; change your life"!

Two things, we are told, of which we may be certain in this Life are Death & Taxes. Really?! Most people perceive these two concepts as Reality & honestly, the majority of those who challenged this notion ended up finding that, physically speaking, Death was/is very Real! Others have found that both Death & Taxes, far from being unavoidable, are both simply concepts. Death, as we've explored previously, is an illusion! The death, or expiration of the Body does not mean that Body ceases to exist; it simply means that its form changes: "Energy does not die"! On the other hand, though the Body's usual form DOES, for all intents & purposes, cease to exist, We are not the Body! As for the Taxes part of the equation, one can only surmise where this discussion might be going...........................

So, while there are those who would beg to differ about the Reality of Death & Taxes, one thing should be fairly clear by now; Reality is not immutable, it can be changed! Now, if one is blind, for example, can that one, simply by changing their thinking, recover from their blindness? There are many variables, but I will be the first to acknowledge that, yes, it IS possible! How probable, especially in this day & age of blinding fear? Sadly, not very! With Science, you might have heard, great inroads have been made in this area, but again, with so many variables, how probable is it that it would be a lasting cure, without the continued aid of Technology? 

Our Darkness cannot be ignored!  Even when we try to hide our Dark Side - which most of us tend to do -  it will present itself at the most inopportune times, leading, at the very least, to embarrassment for us & quite possibly harm to ourselves or others! However, embracing our Dark Side saves us from such embarrassment. It can also help us to exercise more responsibility as well, with the understanding that just because we have this Darker Nature, we should not immediately define ourselves as 'evil'. Rather, whether Society deems our actions 'evil' or not, we can trust to our Divine Nature to guide us, including our Dark Side, into the Light! 

'The Shadow KNOWS!' To use a familiar but well-nigh forgotten phrase from an old radio show, it is our Shadow Self which holds the key to our self-knowledge.  Not only does our Shadow hide what we fear most, it also contains the Truth, painful though it might be ( usually is ) to reveal. Most often, these two are one & the same! The phrase which proceeds the quote above reveals to us that our job, after we have dealt with our own Shadow, is to help others find & embrace theirs. This is by no means to say that we should ignore past wrongs done in ignorance, just that by embracing our Dark Side, realizing that it is a necessary part of us, as human beings, we can be at peace within ourselves!

Namaste' & Blessed Be,

Sage Charles


Anonymous said...

Deeply profound my friend

Charles Shank said...

Thank you; I appreciate that!