Ask the question, "What does it mean to be human?" of any number of people & you'll likely get as many different answers! For the most part, the answers may be similar, depending on who you ask: anything from "a sentient being" to Richard Rohr's "earth that has come to consciousness" Interestingly enough, researching the word online, one might find that some break the cardinal rule most of us old codgers were brought up with, "you can't define a word with the same word"! One definition I thought interesting was Merriam-Webster's; "a bipedal primate mammal". Most popularly though, in various ways, a human being is distinguishable from a mere animal.
"Welcome aboard the Starseed Enterprise!" In a previous post, I discussed how even our physical body is made up of energy, as well as the 'real' Us, the spiritual being that we are, being part & parcel with the Source ( call it 'God', 'the Universe', or Divine Energy; "It is what It is" ) of all Life. To reiterate, "we are NOT our physical bodies", though maybe more correctly, "we are not JUST our physical bodies"!
We are the Gods of this world! A controversial statement, one might well note, but even Jesus called the Jewish leaders Gods. According to the Hebrew, a 'god' ( lowercase OR uppercase 'G' ) is simply 'a mighty one'; the problem is, most of us haven't figured out yet just HOW mighty we ARE!
By saying that we are the Gods of this world, I simply mean that we control the Narrative! No, not individually speaking but collectively speaking, humanity controls the greater Narrative! Therein lies the problem, if indeed one perceives it as such; the overwhelming majority of people, not realizing the Power they wield, have either yielded this Power to others, willingly or ignorantly, or else selfishly used this Power to their own ends, seemingly without a thought for the 'other'! This Narrative has been called 'The Dream of the Planet' by some. In one sense, I say, with Jesus: "We are Gods!", because of our Power of Choice. As I intimated, We, individually speaking, control our own Narrative. No, we cannot always control what happens TO us, but we CAN control HOW we respond, ALWAYS!
In another sense too, I say "We are Gods!" because We, in Essence, are One with the Source of All Life! Speaking, of course, of the Spark of Divinity that lies within ALL of humanity, I realize that it is evident in some more than others; in fact, in many, it's almost, if not impossible to glimpse. One might note here though, that yet another aspect of our Godhood is our ability, our Power to bring to light the Divinity within the other. I do not mean to say that we ourselves bring forth this Spark, but more to the effect that we Awaken the other to this Glorious Reality! "How do we do this?" one might ask. Simply by the words of Jesus ( for example ); by treating others how we ourselves would like to be treated. Of course, this example only really stands if we ourselves have accepted this Glorious Reality.
Our acceptance/realization of this Glorious Reality, of course, is not what makes Us Gods, or mighty ones. As we have been seeing, it is not our awareness, as such, that gives us the Power of Choice: we ALL make choices, based, usually, on our individual perception. Depending on our individual perception then, unless one has awakened to the other's perception, we make & have to live with, those choices, whatever form they might manifest. However, once we have been awakened to this 'universal' perception ( 'the Dream of the Planet'/'the Matrix' ), our choices will begin to reflect this effect; rather than being based solely upon our own individual perception, they will be for the good of ALL, for we realize more & more that we ARE the other; we are all connected & what affects one affects the other, to whatever extent!
Being One with the Source of All Life does not either, for those who might have had this disturbing thought, mean that we bear the weight of the world on our often seemingly feeble shoulders! Because of the innate Godhood of ALL; everyone bears the weight of THEIR own individual choices. We, again, make our OWN choice as to how we respond to their choices, but we cannot choose for them: as a wise man once said, "I can only show you the door; YOU must walk through it!"
Everyone has their own Story, their own dream, their own perception! Most often, for whatever reason, this dream more closely jives with the dream of the planet as it is in this false reality, rather than the dream of the planet as it should be, or IS in True Reality ( whether we acknowledge It or not ), the Dream of Heaven. This Dream of Heaven, as opposed to the dream of hell that many or most are currently experiencing, is a Current Reality for those who have awakened to the aforementioned Glorious Reality that we are, not just the Sons & Daughters of God, but Goddesses & Gods in our own right!
In this sense then, it is NOT, as I have postulated previously, ONLY our spiritual nature that gives our Godhood! It is our WHOLE being, including our Ego ( "gasp!" ), through which we make our choices & live our lives. Again, though they operate at a different frequency & vibrate at a much lower ( ? ) rate of speed, our physical bodies are "formed of the same Energy as our Spiritual Being". They are then, no less Constituent Elements of our Godhood than is our spiritual, or True Nature!
To be Truly Human is to be a God! ( "Yes, I said it!" ) As Gods, then, We cannot afford to ignore this Glorious Reality! The Dream of the Planet that we are currently living is not just any dream; it's a fucking nightmare! The only Way that we will awaken from this nightmare is first, to awaken ourselves, to realize & accept Who We are & where We came from. Second, by BEing Ourselves, to influence others by startling them with the Truth of who THEY are. In this Way, the Dream of the Planet, the Collective Consciousness will return us to the Garden, where We may freely eat of the Tree of Life & live forever!
Namaste' & Blessed Be!
Sage Charles
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