"What's it matter, really?" Joe & Charlene had just been discussing the age of rocks & when Charlene found herself in between.................... a rock & a hard place; as she usually did, she capitulated without, you know..........'capitulating'! Of course, it DOES matter, though to your average Joe, it might seem to make little to no difference. Charlene had been brought up to believe that the Earth, our Mother, was only 6,000 years old, that all the geologic wonders around the world were evidence of Noah's Flood & that humanity itself found its genesis in a Middle Eastern man & his mate that, interestingly enough, DID have belly buttons ( BTW, they were created to look approximately 30 years old too ). Then, of course, there WAS that episode with the talking snake; crazy, right?!
Joe had heard the Story before, from many different perspectives. Being a world traveler, he knew that, though the versions were all different, to a lesser or greater degree, the Story was the same from culture to culture. He also knew that, in order to understand this startling truth, one had to open their mind to the notion that no one religion, much less person, had 'the truth, the whole truth & nothing but the truth'. Charlene knew all this, but still had a hard time acknowledging his findings, for even though they DID make all the sense in the world, the facts, as she had learned them, did not jive with what Joe was reporting.
Charlene was more or less familiar with the term, but when it came to understanding metaphor, she'd always thought of it as referring only to those parts of the Story that the Bible didn't necessarily elucidate, as such. For instance, in her understanding, even a historical occurrence, such as the Great Flood of Noah's day spoke to a greater spiritual truth, where the Ark, through which Noah was saved along with his family, pointed forward to the salvation that came through the Christ, or the Messiah of the Hebrews. Not that she'd learned incorrectly, there was more to the Story, metaphorically speaking.
The Story of the Bible IS the Story of Humanity, as Charlene & so many others like her had been taught, but not quite in the way she or her teachers thought! According to the biblical Story, Adam & Eve were the representative scions of Israel, the chosen people of a certain Canaanite/Hebrew god named 'El' ( Elohim ). Of course, Charlene had been taught the version that we outlined earlier, wherein Adam & Eve were the first human beings on planet Earth, being representative, not of the genesis of the Hebrew people, but of Humanity itself. Though she had never really thought about the implications of such beliefs, hanging around with Joe had begun to remove the scales from her eyes. In essence, Charlene was beginning to see, grudgingly though, that what she'd known so dogmatically all her life was not the whole Story!
The Story of Israel, as elucidated in the Hebrew & Greek Scriptures, beginning with the metaphorical choosing of Adam & Eve, though from a different & much older culture than ours, still represents the struggles of humanity, sadly enough, even to this day. Much like Israel was finally divorced by this 'El' after many instances of unfaithfulness, subsequent trial, hardship & repentance, so Humanity has been divorced from the Knowledge of Divinity, for much the same reason, in fact of the matter! This is not to say, of course, that Humanity is therefore fucked & that the Divinity is well represented by this 'El', be he Hebrew or Canaanite! Humanity is itself endowed with what is often called the Spark of Divinity!
The Divinity, though known by many names around the world & taking many different forms, is really One Being ( if one can even correctly call It THAT! ). Humanity is a denser form of this Divinity, yet part & parcel with It! Arguably the smartest man who ever lived, someone once said "Everything is Energy" ( or something to that effect ); In this case then, this Divine Being is pure Energy. As previously discussed in this blog, our Essence, our 'Spirit' if you will, embodies this same Energy, though for biological purposes, this Energy vibrates or operates at a lower frequency. Though humanity, or so it would seem for the greater part, has been divorced from their own Divinity, it is not as though we cannot be reunited. Unlike Israel of old, it is not some petty god with which we need reunion, rather it is within ourselves that we suffer this division, or separation. Fortunately, Humanity seems to be awakening, in the past decade or so, to the Glorious fact that the Salvation we have been taught to seek without is in fact Within!
Charlene, though grudgingly, had begun to accept the Truth as reported by Joe. Her Great Awakening began long before she even had an inkling of her own innate Power, her own Divinity! Under Joe's patient & gentle tutelage, the eye of Charlene's understanding was gradually opened to the fact that the geology of our Mother Earth was far more ancient that she had been taught. Even the absurdly simple story that Adam & Eve were the first human beings on Planet Earth became more & more ridiculous to her, to say nothing of the talking snake!
Joe had a similar Story; that's why he empathized with Charlene. He'd been brought up to believe much the same way she had, but with the important difference that he had been allowed, or enabled, one might say, to open his mind up to different possibilities, different Stories, so to speak. Even now, Charlene's progress mirrored his own Journey, for Joe began to note & then explore the glaring consistencies of the Story as he had learned it. 'As above, so below; as without, so within'. Joe had learned, as Charlene was beginning to see, that just as the Story they were both taught about the materiel world & the Universe itself was lacking in many areas, so the Truth about our own Divinity had been stifled to the point that it was all but lost on the overwhelming majority of Humanity. Again though; all is not lost: the Story here represented is true of Humanity in general! Though fairly quietly, gently, one might note, the Great Awakening is occurring as we speak & it's only going to get louder!
Namaste' & Blessed Be!
Sage Charles
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