The Pagan Path

Those who wonder are not lost; they are trying to awaken! 'The Sleeper must awaken!'

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Music From Another Room

"What if I told you that our dreams are actually glimpses, however vivid or hazy, into another Reality, a different Dimension, if you will?!"

Ambiguous at best, sometimes the dreams that we experience, usually at night, though many have been accused of day-dreaming, seem to be the manifestation of our wildest fantasies. However, certain of our dreams are so vivid that, when we wake up, it seems that what occurred in our dream state must have transpired in 'real life'. One can only imagine our surprise when the events that we witnessed while we were sleeping never actually happened. Or did they?!

Although the existence of dimensions other than the three that can be observed with the naked eye ( length, width, depth ) has not been scientifically been proven ( yet ), it is theorized by some scientists that a 4th dimension, that of Time, must exist as well. The possibilities of other dimensions, like the 5th, even up to the 11th & beyond ( Infinity? ) have found their way into the theoretical multiverse. Speaking of the Multiverse, a popular phrase, in other words, maybe, is "the Universe is in YOU". Another way to say this might be the even more popular phrase, "As Above, So Below". So then, the existence of the Multiverse, as each one is individually a separate Universe. But then, of course; so goes the theory: it's really all just speculation, right?!

If indeed the things that we hear that others don't ( not to mention what certain animals seem to hear or see that the ordinary human doesn't ) are simply happening in another dimension, then a big can of worms could theoretically be opened! What certain people, like Dr. Joe, for instance, speculate about, such as that past & future do not exist, but are all are occurring now, in the present moment begins to make some sort of convoluted sense. One might begin to wonder then, if the past they are remembering is truly their past, or if it is simply a present moment they are experiencing in another dimension, or even a parallel universe ( in the Multiverse ). Are our visions ( dreams? ) of some more or less distant future simply a glimpse of what is presently occurring to another version of ourselves?! It's really enough to blow one's mind!

Sometimes, unfortunately, dreams come in the form of nightmares ( I say "unfortunately", though that is a matter of perspective ). Say, for instance, that someone is engaged in 'Shadow Work', in essence, revisiting their trauma from what is commonly called 'the past', or 'facing their demons'. "As above, so below"; such a dream, or nightmare, may simply be indicative of what is currently transpiring in another dimension, or parallel universe, if you will. In the greatest sense, this is itself speculation, though from the perspective of this blogger, such a concept makes sense, convoluted though it may be!

"What is the point", one might well ask, "of all this ridiculous talk about other dimensions, not to mention the notion that Time is an Illusion, that past, present and future are occurring at the same time?" Great question; "What indeed?!" Well, first of all, we have born witness to the cyclical nature ( as opposed to 'linear' ) of what is popularly called 'Time'.  Take, for example, History itself: although one may well note a sort of 'natural progression' in the world, can we really call it 'Progress'?! Is it progress that humanity has not learned from what we usually call 'the past'? Is it progress that we keep making the same mistakes, yet expecting different results? We have been taught to look at Life itself as progressive, but is it really? There is birth & there is death, right? Well, yes, but is death actually the end of life? Is birth the beginning? In a merely personal sense, yes, it could well be said that birth is the beginning & death the end, but in the spiritual sense, the energetic sense, you might say, Life goes on; the Spirit ( some call it 'the Soul' ) does not die, nor does it have a beginning. 

Right now, you may be wondering, "Is this guy right in the head?" "So Time is cyclical, not linear: is that supposed to prove the existence of other dimensions, that Time itself is an Illusion, or that past, present & future are occurring simultaneously?!" "For that matter, by saying that "Time is an Illusion", aren't you acknowledging the existence of Time?" 

Actually, I never said that Time doesn't exist; I simply said that It is an Illusion! "What's the difference?" you might well be thinking! Well, the difference is perceptual: Let me ask you a very familiar question, one you've probably heard before; "If a tree falls in the middle of a forest & there is no one there to hear it, does it make a sound?" The point is, Time DOES exist because everyone acknowledges its existence, in fact, people have witnessed Its march from time immemorial! For much the same reason, we can say that It is an Illusion, one that has been accepted as Real by the overwhelming majority, if not everyone, again, "from time immemorial"! "But, "an Illusion"? 

"Illusion"? What is an illusion? A very apt definition from the Oxford Languages dictionary reads thusly, "a thing that is or is likely to be wrongly perceived or interpreted by the senses." There are doubtless other definitions, even more more apt, maybe, but this will suffice. According to this definition, an illusion is a thing, therefore NOT non-existent. 

"Okay, so what's all this about other dimensions then?" Hmmmmm; "other dimensions". By this very question, wouldn't you yourself be acknowledging that this is a dimension, if not by extension that it MIGHT be merely one among many?! In my limited understanding, a dimension describes a plane, whether physical ( tangible ) or spiritual/mental ( intangible ). Not being a Scientist, per se; I might describe a cube as having the dimensions of height, width & depth. This is popularly known as '3D'. For universal purposes, we might add a fourth dimension, 'Time' & call it '4D'. In this New Age of which we are on the verge, many are using the term '5D'. This terminology of the Fifth Dimension is really nothing new, having  been bandied around for the past few decades. Another phrase for this New Era is 'The Age of Aquarius'. As the case may be, however, a 5D reality may be exactly what we're looking at when it comes  to "other dimensions".

I saw a meme the other day that really resonated with me: something to the effect of "we no longer live in the material age; now we live in the Age of Energy'. This, of course must be perceptual as well, for in the greatest sense, it could well be said that we've always lived in the Age of Energy! However, back to the message of the meme in question; up until now, the overwhelming majority of our world has had ( still has? ) a focus on the physical. What I mean by that, at least in this context, is that we have been taught to identify with our physicality, that the physical aspects ( attributes? ) of this life are what's real, when in Reality, it is the spiritual nature of Life, that which drives the physical, that is of greatest import!

So we come to what is known as the 5th Dimension. "As above, so below"; to the four 'dimensions' already named, we might add a 5th, that of 'Spirit', or 'Energy'. In the greatest sense, 'dimensions' could be added, to Infinity. Seriously though, that is as it should be, or rather, will be! 

You've probably heard of the 'Expanding Universe' theory: some of my readers might remember this, but several years ago I wrote a blogpost on this subject. My thesis was that it is not the universe that is expanding, but rather our understanding of it. The same is true of 'dimensions'; it's just that we have become/are becoming aware of their existence. With the opening of the 'third eye' & other spiritual senses, it is now possible to 'see' into those other dimensions. 

With the naked eye ( vision ), and the aid of our biological body's greatest organ ( touch ), we can observe objects in 3D, or in the third dimension. Theoretically, within this illusion we call 'Time, we may, more or less, correctly say that we live/exist in the fourth dimension, or in a 4D Universe. However, gaining popularity with the idea that we are spiritual beings inhabiting physical bodies, is the existence of this 5th Dimension, the Dimension of Spirit. In a related note, one might refer to the 1997 film, 'The 5th Element', as playing with a similar concept. 

The existence of Time is a proven fact! History should be enough to tell us that, right?! For example, from my own Christian education, I can tell you that the Jewish Temple was destroyed in A.D.70 because the Jewish historian, Josephus, wrote an eyewitness account. For that matter, referring to my own past, I could point out the fact that I received a 'Christian education'. '

"How could you say that Time is an illusion, then, since you acknowledge that these things transpired in the past?!" one might well ask! Memories are a strange thing! An example from my youth should suffice here: I remember at least two memories from my childhood that my siblings, upon hearing them, have told me that they never happened. Now, I ask you, "was I simply dreaming ( remembering something that NEVER happened ) , or was I actually seeing into another dimension ( one they couldn't 'see' )?" In other words, "in my 'memories' of these events, am I actually recalling events that transpired in the past, or was I observing them as they occurred in real time?" 

Admittedly, phrases such as the one used earlier, "The Universe is in YOU!" should not be taken literally! Although the organs of our physical body could almost be likened to the complex arrangement of the planets & stars, one could never truly say that the Universe is literally mirrored in our body. I have heard recently ( my readers may have heard this as well ) that the elements that make up our physical bodies came straight from what we usually call 'outer space', so this could offer an explanation of this enigmatic phrase. The phrase, "As above, so below" lends a bit more light to the subject: Again, speaking of physicality, we might look at Astrology, in its several aspects. Ruling planets, star signs, etc, all seem to have an effect on our lives. Humanly speaking, we must remember that, even though it is written in the stars, so to speak, we still have free will; it is our choice as to whether we simply follow that destiny, or whether we carve out our own destiny!

However, it might be noted that there is a bit more to this familiar phrase: "As above, so below" means that, as spiritual beings, we are one with the Universe ( 'God', Source, etc. ) & so, as the Spirit moves, do we manifest in our physicality, given, of course, that we are in flow with both the Universe & our own Divinity. At this point enters another phrase, "You ARE the Universe!" In a certain sense, this might simply refer to the fact that as part & parcel WITH the Universe ( an integral one, at that, we are, In Essence, the Universe itself; however, "as above, so below"; perceiving ourselves as the Universe we are helps us understand that we each, again, in essence, form our very own universe! 

Each of us, through our Power of Choice, carves out our own Destiny! In other words, we shape our Universe through our choices, manifesting our own destiny as we consciously will it. Coming full circle, then, we are back to the Multiverse, with Infinite possibilities and multiple realities/dimensions. The overwhelming majority
 of us, have been taught, usually from day one, that Reality, like so many other concepts in the world at large, is Absolute. According to this theory, in other words, there is ONE Reality; all else is unreal or illusion. This is most often applied to things like Truth, 'sin', etc. However, what may be Real or True in our universe/world may not be true or real in another's! 

At this point, some may be wondering then, "Is there room for Absolute Truth, Absolute Reality?!" Funny you should ask, because the whole premise seems to rest in the existence of 'God', or One Absolute & Supreme Being. Questions like this MUST ultimately come down to this premise; "Does this One Ultimate & Supreme Being truly exist, or is 'He'/ 'She'/ 'It' really 'US'?!

We Are the 'God' of our Universe/world! We may not be in control of every single thing ( event ) that occurs in our little world, but we CAN control how react to those events. Better yet, we can choose ACT, to exercise our conscious Will  ( "Now THAT'S a 'Preemptive Strike'!" ) in manifesting Love, first in our World/Universe, then in the Multiverse at large!

I began this somewhat lengthier than usual post about a week or so ago, but did I really?! My Mind, with its finite memory, tells me I did, but am I simply hearing music from another room? Did I actually start this post in another dimension, only to finish it in this one? The Infinite possibilities are enough to blow our finite minds! Good thing we are More than our finite mind! We may be hearing from/seeing into a different dimension, but since we are Infinite Beings having a finite experience, it not only doesn't blow our minds, it serves to further open our minds & to think outside the box. 

"Does it really matter, in the Grand Scheme of things, that Time is an Illusion?" What difference does it really make that our dreams are really glimpses into another dimension? This, of course is assuming that there ARE other dimensions! Is it possible that Past, Present & Future are occurring simultaneously, just in different dimensions? To our finite Minds, so fucked up from years of programming, it's difficult to admit the possibility, much less wrap our poor little heads around how it MIGHT be possible! But again, "does it really matter?" My readers will have to answer THAT question for themselves, but I'm pretty sure that YOU already know! Happy dreaming/remote viewing!

Namaste' & Blessed Be
Sage Charles

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