In the world of the 21st century, one might note, there are many different 'worlds' co-existing at the same time, side-by-side, so to speak. While this is an undeniably glorious fact, one might also note that herein lies the crux of the problem: there ARE many different 'worlds', yes, & while many of them enjoy a more or less peaceful co-existence, working side-by-side, as the case may be, some 'worlds' have clashed to the point, it might seem, of no return! Because these 'worlds' are inhabited, made up, really, by human beings, some more, some less, all with differing 'world-views', we hear a lot about wars & rumors of wars. With the Mainstream Media, for the most part, controlling what 'news' the American public sees, these events are often either blown out of proportion, down-played, or just not covered at all. Again, much of the cause for our disturbance lies in the fact that we all have our difference & most of us think our way is THE way: when others don't follow OUR way, most of us seem to think that everybody needs to kowtow to US, or else THEY are just not thinking right & must be brought around to OUR way of thinking; either that, or destroyed!
Our English Bible presents two worlds; the 'world' of the Jews & the 'world' outside the covenant that the Creator God ( 'YHWH' to the Hebrews ) made with the children of Israel, beginning with Adam & Noah, all the way up through David, Solomon & the kings of Israel, finally culminating in Jesus who was the Christ. Whether through misinterpretation or misunderstanding of the original text, most Americans, Christians in particular, have adopted, to differing extents, the notion of 'us versus them' , of our correct world-view as opposed to their incorrect one. It must be noted that a Christ-centered world-view is indeed the view that works best for all concerned, but again, the problem we run into, the brick wall, so to speak, is that everyone seems to have a different perception of what composes a Christ-centered, or Christian worldview!
In some sense, there ARE many world-views, or ways to view our world; one might even note that there are several different ways in which to view one's own particular 'world'. In such a case, just as in how one views the world at large; the choice is ours. Our perception of the world around us, whether it's the world at large, which we have relatively no control over, or our own particular 'world', over which we can exercise the greatest control, is what determines our worldview. As we noted above, particularly in the case of most Christians, the Bible, with its varied translations & perceptions, is also a big factor in determining one's worldview. However, we should note that there is truly only one way in which we should view the world, both our own particular circle of influence & the larger scope of the global community. This way of viewing the world in which we live, though it includes what is often called 'the Christian worldview', is not necessarily Christian in origin, though it should be noted that it is what might be called 'Christ-centered'. Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism & the plethora of other Eastern religions, though they carry the key ( as does Christianity ) to this One worldview, are not the Way either!
The worldview of which I speak, Christ-centered as it is, is based upon the fact that the Christ dwells within us all! Now, before a brick wall is thrown up here & for some, it's probably too late already, when I speak of the Christ Within All, I simply mean that we all have a choice as to whether or not to manifest the Anointed One, which is the meaning of the Christ.. In much the same way, the Buddha, which simply means the Awakened One, is within the purview of every human being, within reason, of course. This is not to say that every human being alive or has ever lived has awakened the Christ or the Buddha Within, though numerous historical examples, for instance, Jesus Himself, could no doubt be named. To awaken the Christ Within, in fact, might in some sense be likened, even equated, with finding one's inner 'Buddha'!
The one that most think of when one names the Buddha, much like when one calls on the Christ, is the one we know as Gautama Buddha. As Jesus is the Christ of the Bible, so was Siddhartha Gautama the Buddha of most Americans limited knowledge. Again, before you hang me up by my toenails, I challenge you to, with an open mind & clear head, mentally review the sayings of Jesus & see if the Gospel I'm preaching has any merit! Yes, Jesus was the Christ! There is no other figure, within or without the pages of history, particularly the Bible, to make that claim, although there are arguably numerous ones who filled His shoes, so to speak.
Getting back to the One Worldview ( One- world View ), it cannot be stressed enough that, throughout this gloriously diverse world we live in, there are many & varied world-views. It is our diversity that make us the beautiful human beings we are, but is our spirit, our innermost being, that make us One. In fact, one might note, it is the human Ego which makes us manifest differently,which makes us perceive the 'world' as 'us & them'. When the human Ego clashes with another, remember, we ALL have a choice, the temptation is to say that it is only OUR perception which is the correct one; OUR way is the ONLY way & if the other ( which exists only in our mind ) doesn't see OUR point of view, then 'heaven help that poor, deluded soul!'
The 'world' that we, particularly as 21st century Americans, live in is NOT the same 'world' that Jesus lived in, though, looking at society today, one might note some frightening similarities! Though in some ways 21st-century America is not too far removed from Ancient Israel, it is very different; almost as far as east is from west, one might say. The Hebrews we read about in the Bible, living in a much different culture than we are used to, thus enjoyed a different economy, though one might say our own economy is based, however loosely, on theirs. Most American Christians, reading the Hebrew Scriptures, derive their worldview from their own perception ( or their pastor's or some great theologian's )| of what those same scriptures say. The One Worldview, or One-World View, may be found within those Scriptures, but it is not only with the Hebrew Scriptures that such Truth can be found. It is within the hearts of every living human being & it is there we must seek it, or it will never be unearthed!
To this end,
Charles Haddon Shank
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