Pain! Exruciating, almost unbearable pain: yet, at the same time, somehow comforting.....
There was darkness at first, the feeling of an engulfing moisture, but even that, though it almost felt smothering, was comforting too, even moreso, but in a different way.
As the pain subsided, the soul that had been known as 'Jacob' became more aware of its surroundings. There was no physical sense of sight yet, but used-to-be Jacob felt warmth, comfort &, yes, Love: Love had brought 'him' back Love, 'he' knew, would carry the day. There were faint memories of the past, subtle familiarities, telling the soul that was Jacob's that everything would be okay, that this life would be easier, though more difficult, than previously. The blessings would be great, but the pain was only beginning!
Everything was not okay! Even at this stage, it was clear that something was not quite right. Even the fetus, unformed as it was, felt it. During creation, something foreign had entered the mix & all was not progressing as it normally should. The One formerly known as 'Jacob' felt all of this in its very being, though as yet, it was not mature enough to decipher these signals.As time wore on, it would become clearer & all would be revealed, but for now, all that mattered was that Time marches on & the responsive creation would be a blessing, though through hardship!
Time did indeed march on & the Day arrived when the Creation left the comfort of its 'egg' & emerged, sputtering gloriously, into the light of day, even though, at first, it seemed to be cold & cruel. At first, the bright was almost overwhelming, even though it was filtered through some kind of membranous covering. Gradually, the new creation become accustomed to the harsh realities of this glorious biology. He, for it was a 'he', continued to evolve, growing into the fully functioning human being that all others view as 'normal'. But, as Time continued its march in Infinity, others began to notice that something was a bit different about this One. Where others thrived, this One was clearly uncomfortable. Again, where others feared to tred, this One was not afraid to make waves, to go where others became uncomfortable. All of this is not to say that 'he' ( we'll call him 'Christopher' ) was perfect; not by any means! Though, in the greatest sense, 'he' WAS perfect, the perfect One for the situation, for those times.
Christopher was a normal human being in most respects. Growing up, as most fetuses will do, he had a mother & father, two loving co-creators who had carefully executed the existence of this new 'shell'. For a few years, Christopher seemed to be almost helpless when it came to doing anything for himself. This was fairly normal behavior though, so his parents didn't even seem to take note, though his mother surely hid these things in her heart. It was not till he had passed the age of accountability, as it is often called, interestingly enough, that others began to take note of what Christopher had known from the start. He was not 'normal'! Sure, he would often run, jump & play like the others, but something was different. What others found fulfillment in, Christopher became quickly bored with. He just didn't see the point in the ramblings of what others saw as 'normal'.
Christopher was a 'strange' one, at least, as viewed through the eyes of almost everyone with who he came in contact. A young man now, this One that had experienced such a normal beginning had begun to manifest certain traits, habits that would eventually set him apart from others. This is not to say that Christopher was somehow better than the others, he simply tended to make different choices & though his choices weren't always good, they weren't necessarily bad either, though they might have seemed to be 'evil', at the time. The choices that Christopher had become accustomed to making were not always made in his own best interests, he was human after all, although, for some strange reason, Time had a habit of proving that they were, indeed, for the betterment of humanity!
Although he had what many would call 'a hard life', Christopher explored the limits of his biology, proving to those others that it truly was the manifestation of the One that truly matters! In this life, he had learned to make different choices, based on his own experiences, as well as those of others. Not that, even now, Christopher's choices were the best for all concerned, though that was arguable, but his consciousness had evolved to a degree well beyond that it had previously enjoyed. When it was Time for the next round, he felt certain, things would be different!
As Christopher's eyes closed for the last time, years later, there was a sensation of pain. When 'she' opened 'her' eyes, 'She' was aware..............
Charles Haddon Shank
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